February 11, 2009

So Sick

So little Jennsen had just gotten over the flu when she had her 12 month doctors visit.
Talk about bad timing! She of course needed her shots. So with the doctors ok, she received 4 shots (6 vaccines total). Dylan was very cute, he had to leave the room because he didn't want to hear his baby sister scream.
Now, I've been through many series of shots having three kids, but never on the heels of a sickness.
That night Jennsen had a HUGE fever. The next morning we were both exhausted. I set her down in our room and couldn't believe how sad she looked. I was amazed at how concerned brother and sister were. Luckily her fever broke last night and she seems to be doing fine today.

Lesson learned! No more shots when someone has been sick.

1 comment:

  1. Oh the poor little thing! Those pictures are so sweet and so sad all at the same time! I'm glad she's feeling better
