March 5, 2009

Dylan's new room!

Home improvements are non stop at my house, and as much as we try I find it hard to finish everything. Dylan's room has been neglected for the last 9 years, so i decided to try and tackle it myself.


I am very proud of how it turned out! And I did it all on my own ( except of course for hanging the shelf and the chair rail...those big power tools scare me a little.)

Dylan even got to go to the store and pick the paint. The best part...

The black is chalkboard paint, it must be un to be a kid!


  1. Way to go! That looks great! You should be very proud of yourself!

  2. Turned out awesome, way to go! I bet it feels so nice to have a change and to have it already done. Nathan saw the pics too and thought it looked pretty cool.

  3. You are so artistic...of course you would do it all by yourself...that is how you roll! It looks really good!

  4. I really like Dylans room turned out really cute!!! I love the red and black!!!

  5. that is such an awesome room! you did an incredible job! can i hire you? and i loved the black chalk board. what a fabulous idea! you are just incredible!!

  6. It looks awesome I get a tour on Sunday right?
